T1G Driving Philosophy
Safe & Secure Operator Transport is Paramount
T1G offers world-class driving facilities and staff – all in one location.
Onsite at T1G Memphis:
- 2.6 mile High Performance Live-Fire Track WPS Certified
- 2-mile Rally Style Unimproved Roads Track – WPS Certified
- 6 mile Engineered Off-Road Driving Track
- 10-acre Live-Fire Wadi
T1G trains at the highest standards and levels. The goal is always safe and secure transport in routine traffic, high stress, or life threatening situations.
Our training methods employ repetitive cycling and engaging of muscle memory, as well as familiarization of vehicle behavior and feedback at maximum limits. This ensures drivers react instinctively to hazards and threats in the best possible way.
Our highly experienced cadre, feature-rich driving facilities, and purpose-designed equipment allow us to push students to the limit while ensuring the safety of all involved.
Facilities are available for rental – Your T1G liaison will tailor your specific training needs towards a customized turnkey training solution. Let’s talk…