T1G Role Players
If you are interested in participating in upcoming scenarios, please contact Dallas Foyte by sending an email to [email protected]
Role Player Roles & Responsibilities
- OP4 – Opposition Force
- Medical – (Moulage)
- Personal Protection HVT – (
High Value Target)
$20 per Hour with a 4-hour minimum guaranteed
You will be provided information about the role-playing position prior to mission briefing. You will be required to show up 30 minutes prior to the briefing.
OP4 (Opposition Force)
All role players assigned as OP4 forces will be issued ballistic protection, weapons, ammo, and protective gear if scenarios dictate. You would be the aggressor in scenarios harassing the other forces by either small arms fire, simulated RPG rounds
Medical (Moulage)
Medical Role Players generally do very little other than acting as wounded. You will be diagnosed and triaged in different scenarios. In some instances where clients want scenarios as real as possible you would wear makeup to show wounds and on very rare occasions allow medics to start I.V.
Personal Protection H.V.T. (
Personal Protection role players generally act as a
If you are interested in participating in upcoming scenarios please contact Dallas Foyte by sending an email to [email protected]. We have an immediate need for role players. This would be a wonderful experience to see how our Special Forces Operators train for unknown conflicts throughout the globe.