Range 8 SOF Skills Multipurpose Complex

T1G Range 8 is now the (SOF) Special Operations Force Skills Complex – designed with the combat shooter in mind.

SOF Skills Complex challenges the shooter on various combat shooting skill-sets through both speed and repetition, during multiple target engagement scenarios. 

These ranges are designed to develop speed and accuracy and to force shooters to push their speed while competing.  

Designed to be an individual, team or “shooter vs. shooter” training range, all while exercising combat skills training objectives.

At A Glance

Each range is steel capable, both static and reactive steel targetry. 

Each shooting bay provides a different target array that will allow 2 shooters to compete against each other for speed/competition. 

Each range is 7 meters to 25 meters, to allow pistol at shorter distances (7 Meters) and M4 Carbine (25 meters). 

Most shooting bays are pneumatic reset, to ensure minimal down-time during shooter training.

BEFORE (2019)
Range 8 - 2021
Feb 1 Update
Feb 1 Update
Feb 1 Update
Central SHADE!
Each bay has shaded shelter

8 New Shooting Bays

Bay 1
Bay 2
Bay 3
Bay 4
Bay 5